Change of Plans

"Change of Plans” was a multi-room immersive experience designed by Deep Local to introduce the powerful simplicity of Google Assistant to CES 2020. DeepLocal asked Modal to design The Lighting and overall system design and architecture to work with a show control system. The system included, Lighting, Audio, Projection, and Cameras.

The full system was designed to respond to guests’ unique movements through 8 rooms. Guided by a back of house live voice actor/narrator and stage manager that needed eyes and ears in each room. All while running 3 groups of guests, actors, and stage managers through the experience at all times. This was a project with many moving parts.

In addition providing lead labor to manage union crews, Modal consulted on activation’s overall production logistics. Modal concepted and tested its systems design off-site in November and went live in Las Vegas in January.

Google, Deep Local

Lighting Design

System Design

Sound Design

Projection Design

Project Management for above

Lead Labor for above

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